Fast, High-sensitivity Pyroelectric Detector
- High repetition rate Fast response up to 300 Hz
- Room Temperature operation No cooling, no maintenance required
- Broadband Applicable to the light wave from NIR to THz
- Low noise- High sensitivity Measure pulses as weak as Bolometer
Window/filter (Tsurupica, PE, Diamond, etc.) can be chosen at the order on request.
Variety of options such as filter, variable iris, shutter will be applied as an option.
- Product code PYD-1 / PYD-2
- Wavelength region NIR to >300 um
- Surface size of element φ1 mm
- Frequency response ~300 Hz
- Maximum pulse width 200 us
- Power supply DC 3~10 V, monopolar*
- Housing dimensions 54 x 54 x 60 mm3

See also Detector in THz-wave region.
THz-wave Scanning Fabry-Perot Interferometer
- Frequency-selectable Choose frequency range by replacing reflectors
- Easy operation Simple software for stage control. Application software for measurement can be provided as option
- Customize Stages and reflectors are customizable
- Product code TFPI-1/ TFPI-2
- Measurable range 10~100 cm-1
- Resolution 4 x 10-3 cm-1
- Reflector gap 0~12 mm
- Gap accuracy + / – 5 um
- Optical path height 100 mm
- Clear aperture 20 mm (TFPI-1), 40 mm (TFPI-2)
- Head dimensions 160 (L) x 70 (W) x 100 (H) mm3 (TFPI-1)
- Head wieght 2.0 kg (TFPI-1)
Instrument includes; a pair of reflectors, a motorized stage, a stage controller, and simple software for stage controller.

ATR module
Suitable for ATR measurement of liquid sample using IR light or THz-wave. It consists of a HR Silicon prism, a water bath, heater/TE cooler*, and a temperature sensor*. Thank to the large prism, beam diameter up to 10 mm can be applied. (*: temperature control option)
Dimensions and setup are customizable.

Photoconductive antenna assembly
PCA assembly which emits THz radiation from nonlinear crystal such as GaP, ZnTe, and DAST. The assembly includes silicon hemisphere, mounting chassis, and crystal bracket. Your own crystal can be installed in the chassis with a silicon hemisphere.
The module easily mounted on a general optomechanical holder.
Dimensions can be fully customized as your requirements.