Backward THz-wave parametric oscillator (BW-TPO/TPO2.0)
New THz experience starts from this small box! Compact module which occpies only 80 cm3 of your valuable space.
This unique backward parametric oscillation demonstrates intrinsically narrow linewidth and high conversion efficiency. Easy to tune the THz frequency by turning MgO:PPLN crystal.
The further development for this product is proceeding. Send request from here for more information.
Frequency region: 0.2 – 1.2 THz
Dimensions: 32 x 30 x 82 mm, 120 g (TPO head)
Pump laser required separately.
Injection-seeded THz-wave parametric generator (is-TPG)
The parametric generator is instrument which extract monochromatic tunable frequency of electromagnetic wave from nonlinear crystal pumped by laser. The PHLUXi’s is-TPG generates monochromatic tunable THz-wave with a combination of a high-power single-longitudinal mode pump laser and a single-frequency idler seeder. Thanks to the high-peak power pump laser, the THz-wave output shows high brilliance, >50 kW peak power and very narrow line width.
Frequency tuning: Wavelength tuning of seeding oscillator of idler wave
Frequency region: 0.8 – 3.0 THz (@Pump energy 25 mJ)
Dimensions of head: 1400 x 600 x 300 mm, 100 kg
(Including pump laser)
Ring-THz-wave parametric oscillator (RTPO)
TPO is another selection of THz-wave source. The cavity includes a MgO:LN crystal and mirrors for unidirectional circulation of idler emission. Carefully-designed three mirror ring cavity ensures wide tunability of idler beam with a small flipping mirror. Wide range of THz-wave between 0.7 THz and 2.2 THz can be extracted through the prism coupler by the interaction of pump and idler in the MgO:LN crystal.
It is easy to build-up with pump laser. Using our LD-pump Nd:YAG laser, the entire system will be compact and has stable output.
Frequency tuning: Angular phase match between Pump and Idler
Frequency region: 0.6 – 2.2 THz (@pump energy 20 mJ)
230 x 230 x 130 mm, 15 kg (TPO head)
400 x 500 x 200 mm, 25 kg (TPO head with pump laser)